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LE 537.00
Eco+ Bottle 750 ml
Description Our reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever...
LE 537.00
LE 537.00
Eco Bottle 750 ml
Description Our reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever...
LE 537.00
LE 476.00
Eco Bottle 500 ml
DescriptionOur reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever your...
LE 476.00
LE 361.00
زجاجة 310 مل - غطاء لف
وصف المنتجاشرب الكثير من الماء من خلال زجاجة المياه من شركة تابروير. زجاجة متينة وفعالة من حيث توفيرك لمياه الشرب و تساعدك في الحفاظ على نظام حياة فعال من خلال شرب الكثير من الماء طوال اليوم. العناية بالمنتجلا تستخدم مع...
LE 361.00
LE 454.00
زجاجة 500 مل - غطاء لف
وصف المنتجاشرب الكثير من الماء من خلال زجاجة المياه الكبيرة من شركة تابروير. زجاجة متينة وفعالة من حيث توفيرك لمياه الشرب و تساعدك في الحفاظ على نظام حياة فعال من خلال شرب الكثير من الماء طوال اليوم. تساعدك زجاجة المياه...
LE 454.00
LE 563.00
Eco Bottle 1L
DescriptionOur reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever your...
LE 563.00
LE 971.00
Kids Bottles 350 ml - Lion & Frog (2)
Description Teach a lifetime lesson to the children by teaching them the value of drinking from a reusable bottle. Our leak proof Lion and Frog bottles with Easy Drinking Caps can be cleaned and refilled for a lifetime of use....
LE 971.00
LE 637.00
Eco+ Freezer Bottle 500 ml
Description The new XtremAqua™ is our first bottle made with an innovative 100% freezer-safe and unbreakable* material. Challenged and approved by more than 10 engineers and after many drop tests in extreme temperatures from -18°C/-0.4°F° to +40°C/+104°F! Carry your drink to...
LE 637.00
LE 537.00
Eco Bottle 750 ml
Description Our reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever...
LE 537.00
LE 949.00
ECO+ Bottle 2L with Handle
DescriptionOur reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever your...
LE 949.00
LE 476.00
Eco Bottle 500 ml
DescriptionOur reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever your...
LE 476.00
LE 919.00
Microwave Divided Dish 1.4L
DescriptionCold? Hot? No problem! Go from fridge to lunch for cold options like salad or fruit, or simply pop the vent your warm meal evenly in the microwave. No spills! Our specially designed tight closure seal helps prevent liquids from...
LE 919.00
LE 1,083.00
فرشاة لغسيل الزجاجات
وصف المنتج تناسب فرشاة غسل الزجاجات من تابروير جميع الزجاجات وهو الأداة المثالية للحفاظ على زجاجاتك. يضمن المقبض الطويل المنحني إمكانية الوصول إلى جميع الجوانب الداخلية للزجاجة بينما تنظف الشعيرات البقع الصعبة وتصل إلى قاع الزجاجة. ممكن ملامسة الاكل و...
LE 1,083.00
LE 356.00
علبة متعددة الاستخدامات
وصف المنتجمجهزة بشكل مثالي للأجزاء الصغيرة أثناء التنقل. في المدرسة، عند السفر أو التنزه - توفر الصناديق الثلاثة مساحة كبيرة للسندويشات أو أعواد الخضار أو الفاكهة. - في شكل دائري سهل الاستخدام، - المحتويات محمية ولا يمكن وضعها في وعاء....
LE 356.00
زجاجة مياه Eco plus - غطاء كبس - ١.٥ لتر – اخضر
وصف المنتجحافظ على البيئة و اختار من شركة تابروير المواد التي يمكن إعادة استخدامها بدلًا من التي يمكن التخلص منها. اشتريها مرة واحدة و استمر في استخدامها مرارًا وتكرارًا. مثالي للتخزين في الثلاجة ، وكذلك أثناء التنقل! الفتحة واسعة تساعدك...
LE 849.00
LE 854.00
Kids Bottle 425 ml - Disney Mickey
DescriptionOur Eco Bottle is the perfect combination of two iconic brands. All the performance of Tupperware Eco bottle but in the character and shape of one of kid's and adult's favorite character. Easy drinking and hygienic covered spout: Flip cap design...
LE 854.00
LE 993.00
Sip N Care Tumbler 200 ml
Description Our spill-proof sippy cup is ideal for children learning to drink on their own. We crafted it with the needs of both parents and children in mind, making it easy to clean and handle. The sippy cup comes with...
LE 993.00
LE 1,326.00
Freezer Bottles 880 ml (2)
Description The new XtremAqua™ is our first bottle made with an innovative 100% freezer-safe and unbreakable* material. Challenged and approved by more than 10 engineers and after many drop tests in extreme temperatures from -18°C/-0.4°F° to +40°C/+104°F! Carry your drink to...
LE 1,326.00
Salad On The Go 1.5L + Mini Container 60 ml + Fork n Knife
Description This unique salad container is ideal for use at home and on the go. Plan and pack the night before, then simply store your salad meal prep container in the fridge, ready to grab and go in the morning....
LE 1,281.00
LE 266.00
Tcare Spoons (4)
DescriptionWith a Z-shaped angle, there's always a place to put these spoons. The spoon handle stays clean and ready to use, and is designed to hang on the side of the bowl or glass. Fine textured handle for a good grip with...
LE 266.00
LE 484.00
Microwave Container 600 ml
- Orange
DescriptionCold? Hot? No problem! Go from fridge to lunch for cold options like salad or fruit, or simply pop the vent your warm meal evenly in the microwave. No spills! Our specially designed tight closure seal helps prevent liquids from...
LE 484.00
LE 206.00
علبة متعددة الاستخدامات صغيرة
وصف المنتجمجهزة بشكل مثالي للأجزاء الصغيرة أثناء التنقل. في المدرسة، عند السفر أو التنزه .العناية بالمنتجآمن للاستخدام في غسالة الصحون. آمن للاستخدام في الثلاجة. غير مناسب لاستخدام الميكروويف. غير آمنة للاستخدام في الفرن غير آمنة للاستخدام في الميكروويف غير آمنة...
LE 206.00
LE 537.00
Eco Bottle 750 ml
Description Our reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever...
LE 537.00
LE 1,013.00
Bottles 500ml + 750ml
Description Our reusable Eco Bottles are a great alternative to single-use bottles. They are durable, colorful and have an easy-to-hold design that's perfect for everyday use. Our variety of sizes provide the perfect solution for school, office, home or wherever...
LE 1,013.00